Assembly instructions for the ROBBO Dancing robot

These instructions show you how to assemble a dancing robot from a set of materials. 

The body of the dancing robot

Download the STL files of the body parts of the dancing robot and print them on your 3D printer. The finished kit looks like the picture below (the color can be any color).

Prepare tools and components for assembly according to the list below

1. Phillips head screwdriver.

2. A 6HR61 battery and an adapter to connect the battery to the Arduino.
Use a 6HR61 9V lithium battery. This will allow for trouble-free work
Адаптер питания от батарейки "Крона" 9В

3. NANO board CH340 and mini USB.

4. Arduino Nano Prototype Shield V3.0.

5. HC-SR04.


Киз RGB Светодиодный модуль для Arduino

7. Four MG90S servos.

8. Two SG90 servo drives.

Купить недорого Сервопривод TowerPro SG90 в интернет магазине

9. LED matrix max7219 with controller board.

10. Connection wires male to male.

11. Passive Piezo Buzzer 5V.

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Preparing the board, servo motors and matrix

Steps 1-7 describe the firmware of Arduino Nano in Arduino IDE, steps 7-9 describe how to configure the motors.
1. Download and install RobboScratch and Arduino IDE. Download from attach files and unzip the firmware programs and OTTO_firmware_v00002.

2. Connect the board to the computer via mini usb.

3. Run the Arduino IDE.

4. In the Tools > Board menu, select the correct board name.

The kit may contain either an Arduino Nano board or a Nullab Nano board. The model of the board does not affect the capabilities of the Dancing Robot, but the assembly instructions are slightly different depending on the model. To determine the board model, look for markings on the board chip.

5. Select the appeared port in the Tools > Port > select the port of the connected device.

You can view the assigned device port in the Device Manager. If you have only one device connected to the computer, the Arduino IDE will display only one device port.

6. Select File > Open > EEPROM_SETTER.ino > click  and wait for the message: "Download complete".
This will download the EEPROM_SETTER.ino code to the board.

7. Open the PROSH_OTTO.ino file.
The instructions for this step differ depending on the board model:
  • No changes are required for the Arduino Nano board.
  • For the Nullab Nano board in the PROSH_OTTO.ino code, you need to uncomment the seventh line (delete // at the beginning of the line) and uncomment the eighth line (add // at the beginning of the line).

Then click   and wait for the message that PROSH_OTTO.ino has been successfully downloaded.

8. Disconnect the NANO board from the computer and plug it into the Arduino Shield.

9. Connect the servo motor to the A0 connector on the board.

Be careful!

Observe the polarity! 

  • The brown wire = "G" 
  • The red wire = "V".
  • The yellow wire = "S".

10. Connect the 6HR61 9V battery to the board.

Result: the shaft of the actuator will rotate and move to the 90* position. This is important for correct use.

11. Connect the other five servos to A0 in turn as well. Do not forget to observe the polarity.
Done! Disconnect the battery, servos and move on to assembling the robot.

Assembling the electronics into the body

1. Take the bottom of the robot body and install the two black servos into it, securing them with self-tapping screws (from the servo kit).

2. Insert the shaft attachments into the leg slots of the robot and carefully screw the legs to the body.
  • The thickenings on the legs should look at each other.
  • Make sure the screw is tight enough so that the part does not turn on its own, but not too tight so that it does not "squeeze" the mechanism.

3. Install the black servos in the legs of the robot. Run the cable so that the servos do not hang loose in the leg.
Depending on the print quality, you can run the cable along the back of the leg or through a conduit.
Secure the servos with the screws from the servo kit.

4. Carefully install the feet. Insert the black shaft attachments into the grooves.

5. Place the blue servo drive into the robot's arms. Secure the servo drive with the screw provided.

6. Feed the servo wire through the hole in the back of the robot.

7. Install the arms in the body as shown in the picture. Insert the white shaft attachments into the slots.

8. Screw the arms and feet to the body with the screws from the kits.
White screws should be used for blue servos, black screws for black servos.
Secure the screw tight enough so that the part does not turn on its own, but also not too tight so that the mechanism is not "squeezed".

9. Connect the wires to the matrix and remove the protective film.

10. Place the matrix in the body so that the matrix inscription is visible and the contacts are toward the right hand.

11. Install the Passive Piezo Buzzer in the dedicated compartment.

12. Install the HC-SR04 behind the locking tabs in the robot's head.
The board should snap into place behind the posts, this takes some force. If necessary, remove some of the plastic from the posts.

13. Installing the LED in the inner hole of the robot head.
  • Look at the position of the LED board in relation to the HC-SR04.
  • To avoid short circuits, put duct tape on the LED board on the side where it contacts the rangefinder board.

14. Install the Ardiono Shield board into the robot's head and secure with four self-tapping screws.

This completes the assembly, proceed to connect the Arduino.

Connecting electronics to Arduino

The Arduino Sensor Shield add-on board houses many interfaces for connecting external devices and power.
According to the Arduino NANO on the Arduino Shield board:
  • D discrete ports D are highlighted in blue and numbered TX1, RX0, D2 - D13.
  • Analog ports A are highlighted in green and numbered A0 - A7.
Pins G/GND is "ground", V is power supply, S is pins D and A.

1. Connect the servos to the pins of the Arduino board according to the table.
The polarity must be observed:
  • brown servo wire corresponds to the "G" mark on the board;
  • red servo wire corresponds to "V";
  • yellow wire of the servo drive is "S".


Arduino port
Left arm


Right arm


Left leg


Right arm


Left foot


Right foot


2. Connect the HC-SR04 according to the table.

Pin detail

Arduino port






G (any GND)


V (любой VCC)

3. Connect the LED matrix according to the table.

Pin detail

Arduino port


G (any GND)


V (any VCC)







4. Connect the Passive Piezo Buzzer according to the table.

Pin detail

Arduino port




G (any GND)

5. Connect the RGB LED according to the table.

Pin detail

Arduino port








G (any GND)

A robot with connected parts would look similar.

6. Connect the 9V battery with the 9V adapter to the robot.

7. Plug the battery into the power connector and connect the head and body. When power is applied, all servos will rotate 90*C.

The dancing robot is ready!

Attached Files